Hello dear blog and anyone who may stumble upon this post!
It feels good to come back to you! I can't believe I left you unattended for this long and for that I'm truly sorry. I have indeed missed you.
Many things have changed since:
1. I am a designer at a wall decor company, my specialty is in colorful flowers and patterns!
2. I convinced my mom to get a puppy, and now we have the cutest Maltese named Mochi.
3. I got my first DSLR
4. We finally remodeled the kitchen and I LOVE it!
5. My mom got me my first ever kitchen aid stand mixer, which I've been eyeing for a very, very long time! (Thank you Mommy!)
6. I changed my hairstyle of many years, and got bangs and a perm. As a result many people had trouble recognizing me, including my very own brother and grandfather. I had an opportunity to live a double life, lol!
7. I started exercising! Woo~ I walk every morning before going into work.
And I'll fill in the rest with future posts!
Time just flies by! So far it has been an interesting year for me. I've met some wonderful people. I've caught so many colds. And I've also gotten to experience a spectrum of emotions. Through that I was able to learn a lot about myself and I'm continuing to do so. In this whirl of events, I think I've gotten a taste of my quarter life crisis. I have lived in bliss for most of my life, but I think I've stumbled upon something these past few months. It's been a roller coaster ride for me. Hopefully, I'll reach a steady balance soon. =)