Friday, April 10, 2009

Lovely Spring

I've been cross stitching since senior year of highschool, but you'd be surprised to hear that I've only finished about four (big) projects, two of which I gave away as gifts to two very special people in my life.

I have a lot of projects that I've started without applying "the rules" and I can't seem to get back into those projects because they seem tainted. At the time I was more excited about getting started rather than getting it right and learning the foundation. Now I cringe when I see the knots I made in the back of my very first projects, or when see the horrendous back of a piece, and the projects where I've cross stiched one direction in one section and then started cross stitching a different direction in a different section.

Nevertheless, I managed to get back into my 'lovely spring' piece which comes from this Japanese book I found in Little Tokyo. The book is called Cross Stitch Embroidery with patterns from six different designers. My pattern was by Misako Murayama. I'm not completely finished, I just need to stitch in a couple leaves, finish the window and salad bowl.


Siobhán said...

That is BEAUTIFUL!! Good for you on continuing on with a project even if now you know 'the rules'. One of the first things I stitched was a Claire Murray design. When I learned 'the rules', I quickly moved onto something else and the Claire Murray design was chucked into the trash. I cringe when I think about that because I still love her designs & would love to still have it!

Sue said...

It is very beautiful!

Don't worry about the rules. I know that the back of my projects don't look as pristine as some of my friends' stuff, but that's fine by me. I've been doing counted crosstitch for 26 years now and I just feel too lazy to learn new rules right now. :)