Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Up and Down


I miss Carmel. There's something soothing about being near the waters. Although I can't swim, I could spend hours just watching the waves glide towards me, while skipping along the shores and kicking the sand beneath my feet.
I dug up more photos from our trip. E and I decided to make a lovely sunset dinner for the last night. It was picture perfect, a five * dinner with a five * view, with my best friend!
Now I just needed my 승기<3 to serenade me away to 결혼해줄래 and I would've said yes to him in a split second! And I'm sure E had Mr. Nick Khun drifting around and about in her head. But that is a different story to which I would have to devote a whole blog post to, or maybe two or three or even a 100.

We set it out on the balcony on top of E's picnic mat

Steak and seafood kabobs on a bed of orzo.

Now that is one sexy plate!

I love how our glasses frosted up!

Cheers to a wonderful week! :)


Sachiko said...

Oh! I love the sunset! I used to live close to the ocean and loved to sit on the sand and just watch the sun go down. The food looks so good too.

Daniel Jinsub Lee said...

승기 as in 가수 이승기?
I see. Interesting...

Those are some nice food photos! I remember seeing this on your Flickr. The sunset photo was shot through your binoculars, no?

By the way, I made 수박화채. I love watermelon! I didn't have any lychee, so I used bananas instead. Of course mine wasn't as pretty as yours. I tried, but it came out really ugly. I should've taken a picture of it.
It was so refreshing! I was eating 수박화채 and watching 무한도전. I felt like I was in Korea until I looked out the window and was reminded of New York's nasty, humid, rainy weather.

Anyways, enjoy the rest of your week!

Sue said...

I'm totally behind in my blog reading. Summer has been too busy for me this year.

It's always a pleasure to visit here. I love the beach too, and Carmel is divine. Thanks for sharing your food pictures here, too. Yummy!

Take care.

Daniel Jinsub Lee said...

I used to listen to some of 이승기's songs. He's a good singer. He's in a drama now, right? I don't know what the name of it is. I'm guessing you probably know. Haha.

New York City is a tough place to live. People here don't give a crap about anyone else other than themselves. Very selfish. I commute to the city every weekday, and it gets really frustrating. Everyday is a battle. Yes, it gets really loud. They're doing construction near the NYSE, and it gets really loud and annoying. You get used to it after a week. I'm immune to the noise now.
But really, I don't think I want to live anywhere else. NYC is the capital of the financial world, and finance is the career I want to pursue.

I lived (or stayed) in Korea for two months last year at 서강 대학교 in 신촌. I don't know if you know where/what that is. I was studying abroad there. It was great! I had the best time.
It gets really humid and hot in Korea, too. It rains a lot because of the monsoon season or something.

I haven't watched 1박2일 in a while. I stopped watching that.
I like watching 무한도전 because I'm a 유재석 fan. I really respect the person. I feel like he's a hard worker.
I also watch 우리 결혼했어요. It's a fun show!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of the week. By the way, I hope you don't mind my asking: What do you do these days? Work? Still a student?