Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dad's helper

My first attempt at waste canvas

Today (or technically yesterday) I was daddy's helper. We were cutting down new base boards for the bathroom. It was really tiring especially cause we didn't have the right tools for the job. Seriously if we had an industrial cut-off saw the job would have been a piece of cake, but it was oldschool with just a saw, an old saw at that. The 45 degree angles were really killer!
My dad usually teams up with my brother for these jobs, but he's been so busy these days, so I was the perfect candidate. It was really exhausting, but it was a great father-daughter bonding time.


Daniel Jinsub Lee said...

Awesome bonding time! Sometimes bonding just occurs at the most random times, don't you think?

Sawing stuff is hard! I thought it was easy, but you need an incredible amount of strength. 수고 했어!

Right now, I'm just studying for my licensing exam. I don't work at my old place anymore. I wouldn't have time to study then. I figured the exam was more important than my old job. It's okay. I think it's good to rest and study. Once I work, there will be no more rest...

You know, I like to stuff myself during dinner, too. I would sometimes starve myself, so I can a huge, fatty dinner.
So bad...
I like breakfast now. I used to never eat breakfast in middle school, high school and college. I never knew how powerful and important breakfast was until I started working.
I think I lost like 2 pounds. I've been a good breakfast and lunch. I eat an early dinner. I think eating the right amount/portion of food is better than exercising. I munch on a lot of fruits, too.

It's so hard losing weight! I get so easily...

I hope your prepared for school! A lot of younger people I know are already at school.

Take care!

Sue said...

Ah, the waste canvas work looks great. Did you remove the waste canvas threads? How does it look? Please do tell!

Daniel Jinsub Lee said...

Good job finishing the work! It must've been tough, but it's also very rewarding! I hope everything looks nice and new.

True. Once I work, it'll definitely be hard to get time for myself. It's okay. I'm the kind of guy who likes to be busy, rather than just stay at home and rot. I like being productive. It makes me feel better. Haha.
I was really lazy before, like in college, but now, it's totally different.

I want to lose like 10-15 pounds. Haha. Is that a lot? It's so hard to lose it though! I don't want to disclose my weight. I don't know why but girls find it really hard to believe when a guy is "x" pounds. Do you know what I mean?


Anyways, I'm going to try to lose at least 10 pounds. If all goes well, I'll shoot for 15. I used to lift weights before, but now that I stopped, everything turned into fat. I'm just a blob now. I think I've given up on weights. Time to lose weight!

Again, it's hard, but I guess it's do-able. It's close to 1AM right now, and I'm so hungry!!

How old am I, you ask? I'm 27 years old. Yeah, hard to believe, right? I'm so old. It's hard to believe myself, too. It feels like I just turned 18 yesterday. Haha.

Yeah...I'm just kidding. I'm not 27. Haha. I'm 23 years old (1986년). I think I'm still young - really young, that is. I remember when I was 16 years, I thought to myself, "Wow, 21 years old?! That's old!"

23 really isn't that old. Once you pass quarter century (25 years old), then you're becoming older, but not old. Haha.
I know it's rude to ask women their age, but I'm just going to ask anyways - how old are you? You don't have to answer. I'll totally understand. I'm guess you're the same age as I am. Maybe a little younger? I don't know.

Anyways, it's Monday again. Can you believe it? Wait, it's already September. Can you believe it?!?

Take care!