Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sweatpants! Check~

So I'm back at it again! This time I'm painting the bathroom. It looks really orange in the photo but it's a more subdued tone. I would say a mix between pumpkin and terra cotta.
I'm not in love with the color yet, let's just say I've had an ongoing battle between peach and orange house paints, I despise them. So why did I paint the room in this orange copper? My aunt is extremely knowledgeable and talented with picking out paint colors, keeping the layout, scale, and harmony in mind so I completely trust her judgment on this. I'm sure when the job is done and we bring in the hardware and accessories back in, the room will come to life!
It'll be my third day today and I didn't know such a small room would take so long! It literally takes eight coats to get even coverage, I'm not even exagerrating! I will admit, I do get OCD when I paint so there is no easy-medium with this kind of thing. It's either good or it's not! Yes, because of this mentality my body takes a beating.. but it's totally worth it in the end!
I'm also going to learn how to grout tile this weekend! I'm really excited about that! :D

Lee Seung Gi (이승기 3집)
I also received my precious Lee Seung Gi CD in the mail! (Doing the happy dance!)


Siobhán said...

Can you do my bathroom when you're done yours?? ;) It looks like a wonderful color! Take pics when you're done.

Daniel Jinsub Lee said...

Painting is tough. I painted my house (yes, the whole house), and I got to say, I thought I was going to die. My arms hurt for hours because, really, you do a lot of arm movements! I hope someone is ready to give you a massage when you're done. Haha.
That color looks really nice. It came out nice in the photo. I'm sure it'll look nice on the walls.

How have you been? Just painting?
I haven't started work at my new place yet. I have to take this licensing exam, so I've been studying for that. I haven't been giving it my 100% because I've been helping my parents with their new store. My parents are like 100 years behind when it comes to technology. I have to update them. They were planning on faxing their forms. But why fax when you can simply email? You know, simple stuff like that. I do understand though. Times are different. When I get older, I'm sure there'll be stuff that I won't understand. Haha.

Anyways, I'm starving right now. I'm so hungry! I'm trying to lose weight. I've gained so much weight. I've been just eating greasy, fatty food for the past two weeks. I just eat three healthy meals a day. I eat dinner at around 5 PM. I snack on fruits. I eat 껌은콩 because I heard they're healthy (I don't know).
I'm so hungry!!!
I need to lose weight though. Har har.

A lot of my friends are leaving for school. I wish I could join them, but I am now part of the workforce. That's okay. Be excited for school! Haha.
Take care!!