Today I had Dimsum for the third time. I had dimsum (carts) when I was in NY last December for the first time and it was pretty good. In fact, I started craving it once I came back to Cali. So I had it again in chinatown with no carts, it was a disappointment. I'm not sure if it was the taste or the fact that they didn't have the carts going around, quite possibly both. So today I drove out to Monterey Park with my friend Liz and tried dimsum at a place called NBC Seafood.
The restaurant was spacious and clean inside. All the chairs were covered in cream colored fabrics and the servers were very attentive. We barely got seated when three carts came to us and started offering different dishes to us. I think in a span of like 2 minutes we had our table filled with five to six different dishes. And they would clear the table once each dish was empty and come by every two minutes to fill our teapot. I've never been to a restuarant that had such blazing fast service! I was actually overwhelmed.
Anyways, on to the real point, the food was quite delicious! And here are some pictures. The lighting was quite horrible inside so most of the pictures were blurry. I managed to salvage a few photos. I apologize if I have totally butchered their names.

Shrimp Sticks

Shrimp enclosed in noodles with sauce

Pork Dumpings - Ham Shui Gok

Sweet BBQ Pork Buns
We also had steamed bbq pork buns, shrimp shu mai, shrimp and scallion pan-fried dumplings, and steamed shrimp dumplings. Yea, we ate a lot, but we couldn't really tell cause they kept clearing the table. After that, we got severe food coma and we were so thirsty.. probably from all the MSG consumption. My mouth is still dry no matter how much I drink. (tsk..tsk.. msg)
The restaurant was spacious and clean inside. All the chairs were covered in cream colored fabrics and the servers were very attentive. We barely got seated when three carts came to us and started offering different dishes to us. I think in a span of like 2 minutes we had our table filled with five to six different dishes. And they would clear the table once each dish was empty and come by every two minutes to fill our teapot. I've never been to a restuarant that had such blazing fast service! I was actually overwhelmed.
Anyways, on to the real point, the food was quite delicious! And here are some pictures. The lighting was quite horrible inside so most of the pictures were blurry. I managed to salvage a few photos. I apologize if I have totally butchered their names.

Shrimp Sticks

Shrimp enclosed in noodles with sauce

Pork Dumpings - Ham Shui Gok

Sweet BBQ Pork Buns
We also had steamed bbq pork buns, shrimp shu mai, shrimp and scallion pan-fried dumplings, and steamed shrimp dumplings. Yea, we ate a lot, but we couldn't really tell cause they kept clearing the table. After that, we got severe food coma and we were so thirsty.. probably from all the MSG consumption. My mouth is still dry no matter how much I drink. (tsk..tsk.. msg)

Here's where I'm at on Helen Bell's Multiplication Table.
I LOVE Dim Sum!!! I've actually been to NBC Seafood and according to my Aunt who's originally from Hong Kong, their Dim Sum is pretty good!!!!
I love dim sum! We'll have to go to NY for it because the place that was so good here in the DC area isn't good anymore....
Your stitching is beautiful on Helen Bell--it's very pretty in that blue!
Ooohhh, that food looks delicious. Two weeks ago, we started with "sonja bakker" diet, so no dim sum for us for now.
Great stitching in blue!
Have a nice weekend!
Wow. I've never had dim sum. Maybe I'll try it now after seeing those pictures! Great pictures! Very vivid. The lighting isn't that bad! It's actually pretty good!
The stitching is coming out really nice! I'm impressed!
How was your weekend? My weekend was pretty relaxing. It went by extremely quickly. It's already Monday! I can't believe how fast the weekend passed by!
I actually ran into a 선배 this past weekend. It's been a year and a half since I've seen her. It was really good. I like bumping into people like...sometimes. Haha.
Have you started school yet? A lot of my younger friends have started school last week. It's still so weird how everyone is preparing for school and how I'm preparing for work. I can't get used to it yet! I prefer preparing for school because don't have to go to class. But you have to go to work! Haha.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your week! I'm probably taking my licensing exam sometime this week. I just hope I'm ready for it.
Take care!
I need to update my blog soon. I'm sorry that you have to keep commenting on the same post. Haha. I'll update soon!
Your stitching is amazing! I'm not just saying because I'm bored, but I really mean it. But yes, you must have priorities. I'm sure you'll have time for stitching in the future.
So you started school, I see. Kind of late, no? Maybe it's different in other states. I don't know.
Your classes are pretty tough! It's like a class, but also kind of know? Working for a real client can be stressful! But I guess it's good in a way. It'll help prepare you for the future!
I'll definitely pray for you. Don't worry about it. I'm sure it won't bad at all. Just have faith, and God will take care of you! Seriously! I'll keep you in prayer. I'm sure you'll do great. Just don't forget to do your best!
Thursday is a deadly day, huh? That must be tough. But I guess it'll be good to be busy. Plus, no class on Friday? That's good! I'm glad it worked out that way. I'm sure you'll work hard. You'll get good results!
I'm taking my test this Friday. I hope I'm ready. I was at the library the whole day today. I'll probably be there the whole day tomorrow and Thursday. I think I'll be okay. I don't want to be too confident. I took a practice exam today, and I passed. That's encouraging, but I don't want to take it lightly. I'm such a bad test taker. I need to be more than prepared for the exam.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy your week. Enjoy school while it lasts!
Take care!
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